Empire Vale Public School

Telephone02 6683 4298


Parents and Citizens Association

2019/20 P&C Executive

Ø  President – Carmen Nixon-Strickland

Ø  Vice Presidents – Mavis Kennedy & Sharon Coombs

Ø  Secretary – Lauren Bailey

Ø  Treasurer – Kirsty Hughes

Ø  Uniforms/Canteen – Lauren Bailey

P&C Meeting - (All Welcome) Currently P&C Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 2:15-3pm. This will be confirmed each AGM to suit the schedule of interested families and the timetable of the school.

P&C membership – Membership ($7 per family) & Student Insurances ($6 per student).

Payments made to the P&C - Please note that payments made to the P&C cannot be made via Parent Online Payments (POP) through the school website. Payments to the P&C may be made by;

ü Cash

ü Cheque

ü Direct Deposit (BSB 032 591 / Account 378203)

Uniforms – available through the canteen. Operating days will be determined each year at the AGM and families will be notified via the school newsletter.

Canteen Procedures

·        ALL items ordered from the canteen are to be written on a paper bag with your child’s name. Please place the correct money in the bag.

·        A separate order is required for recess & lunch items.

·        CORRECT money please. We don’t always have change available to send home.

·        Orders to be placed in notes box each canteen morning, (located in front of office)..